The factors that we can look into to decide whether a product is good or not are the following. We'll look at these factors in a way that together they can form a framework to analyze other products as well.

The 3 products that we will be looking at are:

The 3 main factors we will look at when analyzing the product are:

Now that we have identified the 3 products we'll be looking at and the factors we'll be judging it on, let's do a deep dive on each of these factors and see how our selected products perform. At the end of the deep dive, we'll give an overall score for each product as well to see how the framework we've formed performs on these products. Let's jump in!


When we talk about aesthetics we're basically looking at the look and feel of the product. But if we had to look at specific pointers that define the aesthetics of the product they would be:

Ease of Use

A well-designed product feels like you've been using it for years even when you're using it for the first time. Some factors to determine the ease of use of the product are